An Edinburgh-based artist who creates bespoke, original paintings to match your home's interior.


Painting’s power

I always find myself making a beeline for paintings in a museum. Paintings have this extraordinary ability to transform not only our homes, but our moods too. They anchor the spaces we occupy, providing a comforting familiarly each time our eyes meet them.

I began painting to replicate this visceral experience at home.

Creating texture

My paintings are complete when I feel like there’s nothing else for me to add. I create my paintings in layers, which I add to over a few weeks. I often start with a paintbrush, but that’s soon replaced by palette knives and anything else I can get my hands on. I love the texture afforded by a mismatch of different instruments—soft, feather-like dabs of a paintbrush contrast beautifully with the regimented strokes of colour created by a knife’s edge.

Commission an original artwork with your specified palette and dimensions.

As seen in
